Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Home made pumpkin soup

Im not a huge fan of Halloween if truth be told! Im not too keen on opening the door to trick or treaters especially when it turns out to be a 'hoodie' in a £1 mask wearing a bin liner!

Perhaps Im being cynical my son loved dressing up as a child (actually he still does despite being 35! Last year he was the invisible man...or at least he said he was here! Ha Ha!).

Despite this we do usually have a pumpkin partly because it makes such delicious soup (not to mention the pies!). The soup is so easy to make as the following recipe shows.

Have a go at it yourself and make use of your pumpkin. Too many people scoop them out and throw away the pulp when it could be made into a delicious winter warmer!

Classic:How To Make Pumpkin Soup

Save time and money baking your own bread!

I was bought a bread making machine by my son last year and since bread has increased in price so much recently I have taken to using it more and more. I have to say that it has more than paid for itself and although some purists may scoff at using such a bread machine it does save a huge amount of time and effort (especially when it comes to cleaning up!) and you can choose your own ingredients to make your loaf as healthy as possible (organic flour etc).

Check any loaf of bread and you will see that many if not all contain soya flour. This is used as it is cheap and helps to bring down the price of ingredients used in making the bread. Many people however find that they suffer unfortunate side effects especially if they suffer from IBS (some research has indicated that the lowering of the male sperm count is caused by increasing use of soya products as soya contains oestrogen!). This is another good reason to make your own bread!

Here's a quick recipe for a tasty loaf of white bread which can be followed as it is or can be adapted for use in a bread machine.

Side Dishes:How To Make White Bread

See video jug link in sidebar for other great bread recipe's. Enjoy!

Retired magazine website

Here's another great web site I came across recently which I thought I would share with you! Retired Magazine:

There's a very interesting article about FREDs! Are you a FRED?

Apparently "Members of this demographic are over fifties who are ‘facing retirement earnings doubts,’ and according to the likes of Liverpool Victoria, the friendly society, and the Office for National Statistics, this group of around two thirds of all over fifties have very real fears that they will face an impoverished retirement."

Read the full article on their site and let me know what you think. Perhaps this new demographic is a result of the recent economic crisis or is this a longer standing issue?

Read more here: http://www.retiredmagazines.co.uk/lifestyle-areyou.html

Take a look at Retired Magazine website CLICK HERE

Retired? Make the most of your money with Martin Lewis

Whether you have a tidy nest egg for your retirement or are living on a tight budget the credit crunch is affecting us all. I like to keep a tight rein on my finances and one of the web sites that I have found very usefull is Martin Lewi's Money saving Expert site.

The site is free to use and is free of Ads. It's packed with money saving tips and has a great forum section where you can chat to other site users and get tips on where to find the best deals for insurance for over 65's, holidays, banking, saving money on utilities, mortgages, health etc the list is almost endless.

There is a permanent link to Martins site in the left hand menu (as I use his site a lot!) if you want to check it out now just click HERE

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