This is my first post for this new blog 'Retired Too!' which I hope will become a valuable resource for all those who are retired and want to make the best of their new found freedom!
Being retired is a wonderful opportunity to do all those things that you never had time to do when you worked!
Some famouse wit wrote "Retirement is when you stop living at work and start working at living!" (actually this is a quote from a mug I was bought when I retired...you'll probably find you get a lot of novelty tea mugs when you retire but the upside is you'll leave a lot of other mugs back at work!).
There's a lot to consider when you retire and your new found freedom can be bewildering at first but now you have all the time in the world to consider these things - Health and excercise, cooking and diet, pastimes like gardening or new hobbies, travel, entertainment, living on a budget (or for those with a nest egg blowing it all on that Harley you've always wanted and then living on a budget again), spending more time alone or with friends and family and perhaps like Shirley Valentine discovering who you really are and releasing hidden talents!
By the way if your not that computer literate like me (I thought that the world wide web was something to do with a giant spider!) a blog (which is what your reading) is an ongoing website like an online diary. It's called a blog as this type of site used to be called a web-log subsequently this was shortened to 'Blog'.
So relax and put your feet up for a while and have a look at some of the excellent resources on this blog. Pop back regularly and save this site to your bookmarks as it is sure to be as useful for you as it will be for me! Finally dont forget to drop me a line (email link in sidebar) or leave a comment if you have something that may be of interest to other readers or just want to say hi!
Hope to hear from you soon!